Warranty Policy

Limited Warranty

Please register your product to get 3 months warranty service at www.xprousa.com. This warranty does not cover defects resulting from improper or unreasonable use or lack of maintenance. Exclusions include but are not limited to failure to follow operating instructions, accidents, unauthorized alteration or modification from original factory condition and additions of products purchase from unauthorized dealers.

Under certain circumstances, we may require our customer to return the defective warranty part(s) to exchange for new replacement part(s).

New replacement part(s) under warranty will be shipped to buyer at no additional costs. Returning your defective part(s) will ensure we send you the correct part(s) and assist us in monitoring and correcting potential manufacture defects.

How to Make a Claim?

 In the event damage has occurred to products, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Submit a ticket at xprousa.com soon with your order number after you discover a product defect. We will send youa return authorization number. Parts returned to us without a return authorization and accompanying documentation may be refused. 
  2. In order to get professional solutions from Xprousa, please give a detailed explanation of how the damage occurred.
  3. Please attach a video and description of the product. Allowing us to see and hear the problems you are experiencing will help us determine the cause and offer a solution in a timelier manner. Those who send with videos and detailed descriptions will be awarded with 1 additional month warranty service.
  4. We will provide customer service based on our warranty and return policy. Any issues, just contact us for more information.

Other Legal rights

This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary from state to state or country to country. Some places do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Thank you for choosing Xprousa. We hope you enjoy our product.

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