DB-K014 / X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) Parts

We guarantee that all parts are fit for the X-PRO DB-K014 / X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M)

If you can not find certain parts or parts for a certain vehicle, please contact us, and we will endeavor to assist you.
76 items

Front fork-R

Front fork-R for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred...

Front fork-R for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork-L

Front fork-L for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred...

Front fork-L for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front wheel axle set -Out of sto...

Front wheel axle set for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the ...

Front wheel axle set for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork cover-R

Front fork cover-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250...

Front fork cover-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork cover-L

Front fork cover-L for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250...

Front fork cover-L for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Left and right foot pegs

Left and right foot pegs for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-C...

Left and right foot pegs for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K017 / S5-150(Storm 150), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K001/S3-125(X9) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Fuel petcock

Fuel petcock for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that thi...

Fuel petcock for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Speed sensor

Speed sensor for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TE...

Speed sensor for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K015/K3R-125(Hawk)We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Water box cover-R

Water box cover-R for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee tha...

Water box cover-R for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Water box cover-L

Water box cover-L for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee tha...

Water box cover-L for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Choke cable

Choke cable for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 25...

Choke cable for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K017 / S5-150(Storm 150), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K013/S3-110(X29), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K007/S3-125(X27), DB-K006/S3-110(X28), DB-K005/K1-110(X15), DB-K004/K1-110(X12), DB-K003/K1-110(X11), DB-K002/S3-125(X26), DB-K001/S3-125(X9) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Muffler-Rear Part

Muffler-Rear Part

Muffler-Rear Part


Hand Grips

Hand Grips

Hand Grips

$35.95 $70.95

Fuel Gas Tank Cap

Fuel Gas Tank Cap

Fuel Gas Tank Cap






Spark Plug

Spark Plug

Spark Plug


Rearview Mirror Holder

Rearview Mirror Holder

Rearview Mirror Holder


Rear shock

Rear shock for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred v...

Rear shock for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Main wire harness

Main wire harness for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the ref...

Main wire harness for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear brake pedal assembly -Out o...

Rear brake pedal assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for...

Rear brake pedal assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Lower triple assembly -Out of st...

Lower triple assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the...

Lower triple assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Upper triple board

Upper triple board for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the re...

Upper triple board for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear swing arm

Rear swing arm for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referr...

Rear swing arm for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear brake assembly -Out of stoc...

Rear brake assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the r...

Rear brake assembly for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Decal TEMPLAR M-red

Decal TEMPLAR M-red for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the r...

Decal TEMPLAR M-red for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Decal TEMPLAR M-orange

Decal TEMPLAR M-orange for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for th...

Decal TEMPLAR M-orange for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Decal TEMPLAR M-blue

Decal TEMPLAR M-blue for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the ...

Decal TEMPLAR M-blue for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Decal TEMPLAR M-black

Decal TEMPLAR M-black for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the...

Decal TEMPLAR M-black for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Handle bar

Handle bar for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLA...

Handle bar for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Swing arm linkage

Swing arm linkage for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee tha...

Swing arm linkage for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear air box cover

Rear air box cover for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee th...

Rear air box cover for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front air box cover

Front air box cover for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee t...

Front air box cover for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Exhaust Pipe & Muffler

Exhaust Pipe & Muffler for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guar...

Exhaust Pipe & Muffler for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear shock bracket assembly

Rear shock bracket assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014...

Rear shock bracket assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Throttle holder

Throttle holder for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(T...

Throttle holder for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear innter fender

Rear innter fender for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee th...

Rear innter fender for DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


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