DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) Parts

We guarantee that all parts are fit for the X-PRO DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR)

If you can not find certain parts or parts for a certain vehicle, please contact us, and we will endeavor to assist you.
72 items

Left switch

Left switch for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEM...

Left switch for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Turn light

Turn light for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMP...

Turn light for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X),DB-K015/K3R-125(Hawk)We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Flasher Relay for 50cc-250cc Sco...

Flasher Relay for 50cc-250cc Scooters & Go Karts

Flasher Relay for 50cc-250cc Scooters & Go Karts


Fuel Gas Tank Cap

Fuel Gas Tank Cap

Fuel Gas Tank Cap


Rear shock

Rear shock for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLA...

Rear shock for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork cover-R

Front fork cover-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250...

Front fork cover-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork-R

Front fork-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMP...

Front fork-R for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front fork cover-L

Front fork cover-L for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250...

Front fork cover-L for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Intake pipe

Intake pipe for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPL...

Intake pipe for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Main wire harness

Main wire harness for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the refer...

Main wire harness for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Right rear plastic with air filt...

Right rear plastic with air filter shell for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan ...

Right rear plastic with air filter shell for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Left and right foot pegs

Left and right foot pegs for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-C...

Left and right foot pegs for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K017 / S5-150(Storm 150), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K001/S3-125(X9) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Speed sensor

Speed sensor for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TE...

Speed sensor for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K015/K3R-125(Hawk)We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Choke cable

Choke cable for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 25...

Choke cable for DB-K022/K3R-125(Sail 125), DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K017 / S5-150(Storm 150), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K013/S3-110(X29), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K007/S3-125(X27), DB-K006/S3-110(X28), DB-K005/K1-110(X15), DB-K004/K1-110(X12), DB-K003/K1-110(X11), DB-K002/S3-125(X26), DB-K001/S3-125(X9) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Muffler-Rear Part

Muffler-Rear Part

Muffler-Rear Part


Hand Grips

Hand Grips

Hand Grips

$35.95 $70.95





Spark Plug

Spark Plug

Spark Plug


Rearview Mirror Holder

Rearview Mirror Holder

Rearview Mirror Holder


Swing arm linkage

Swing arm linkage for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F...

Swing arm linkage for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Upper triple board

Upper triple board for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250...

Upper triple board for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Lower triple assembly -Out of st...

Lower triple assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB...

Lower triple assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear swing arm

Rear swing arm for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR),DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX),DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan ...

Rear swing arm for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR),DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX),DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250)We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Decal/K5-Templar/red for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the re...

Decal/K5-Templar/red for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Decal/K5-Templar/orange for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the...

Decal/K5-Templar/orange for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Decal/K5-Templar/green for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the ...

Decal/K5-Templar/green for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Decal/K5-Templar/blue for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the r...

Decal/K5-Templar/blue for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Decal/K5-Templar/black for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the ...

Decal/K5-Templar/black for DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Left rear plastic -Out of stock,...

Left rear plastic for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F...

Left rear plastic for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear water fender -Out of stock,...

Rear water fender for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F...

Rear water fender for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Front wheel axle set

Front wheel axle set for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB2...

Front wheel axle set for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Handle bar

Handle bar for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLA...

Handle bar for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Rear shock bracket assembly

Rear shock bracket assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014...

Rear shock bracket assembly for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Throttle holder

Throttle holder for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(T...

Throttle holder for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.



Bracket for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR...

Bracket for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K016/S5-150(Storm 150 DLX), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X), DB-K015/K3R-125(Hawk)We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


Chain guide piece

Chain guide piece for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F...

Chain guide piece for DB-K019/K5-CB223(Titan DLX), DB-K018/K5-CB223(Titan 250), DB-K014/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR M), DB-K012/K5-CB250F(TEMPLAR), DB-K011/X7-CB250F(TEMPLAR X) We guarantee that this part is fit for the referred vehicles.


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